We are so excited for the 10th Annual GenerosiTEA Party benefitting
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital!
Saturday, February 2, 2019 promises to be another amazing day to have fun and give back!
Please register on line here: Eventbrite registration link
Or, you can mail in your registration by filling out this form and sending a check!
Mail in registration link
Mail in registration link
We look forward to seeing you very soon!
We are ramping up for the 2019 GenerosiTEA Party for Le Bonheur - February 2, 2019! We wanted to give you an update on how the past Tea Party funds have been working for children and families at Le Bonheur. The plans are being drawn up for the playroom to be included in the Heart Institute expansion! This is a new space that will serve kids recovering from heart surgery as well as kids who are waiting for a heart transplant! Also, the Child Life team is busy planning to outfit several sensory pods located throughout the hospital. These will serve all patients and siblings at Le Bonheur! As you can see - your money is hard at work!
This year, we will have a cost that we have never had before. We will need to pay to rent Woodland Hills - can you believe we have gotten that for free all these years? In order to offset this cost, we are looking to have food donated, we have volunteers who will be serving our lunches, and we are raising our ticket price by $5. We truly hope that everyone will still be able to come join the fun and help raise money for the most wonderful children’s hospital around!